Services Provided

I offer individual counseling, workshops and presentations for:

I.   The Many Faces of Loss:    Grief is not limited to death; it can also include losses often minimized in our society, and can often leave a person isolated and unsupported in these transitions.   

bereavement / post-loss services

trauma-informed care

sudden, traumatic loss

loss by suicide

anticipatory grief  (for example, caregiving or expecting a love one's death)

perinatal loss (see certification badge below)

loss of health, quality-of-life/end-of-life issues

divorce/loss of relationship

parenting while grieving

support for childhood grief

loss of job, home, or any life transition

II.  Mindfulness and Meditation Often when our hearts are broken open by profound loss, we have the opportunity to connect more deeply to what is real....our spirituality and the healing grace of a higher power.  To support this process, I offer workshops, groups, and teleconferences for heart-centered living.  Mindfulness is simply learning to be conscious in the present moment, which is where we harness our power to create our lives.

Helpful Forms

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