About Me

If anyone had ever told me in my twenties that my life's career would be devoted to grief and loss, I never would have believed them!  Not until one Sunday afternoon, when my fiance died next to me on a snow-covered mountain after being hit by a reckless skier.  In the shock of that life-changing day, I went from planning a wedding and future full of dreams, to planning a funeral.  Over the next two years, amidst the debilitating effects of trauma, I struggled to finish graduate school, to testify in the  criminal trial against the perpetrator, and to learn to walk the world without my loved one.

As I struggled in my dark night of the soul, I somehow recognized  I had a choice...the choice to heal, or to remain broken.  Though I had no idea how to heal , simply making the choice to do so catapulted me into several years of research and self-learning, as to what helps us to heal after a deep loss.  I was blessed to find a good counselor for myself during that time, and one thing I've learned is that the healing process is relational......we heal in relation to being witnessed, heard, and supported during this vulnerable process.  

As I healed, I was inspired to create a sacred space to be that "grief companion" for others trying to rebuild their worlds after profound loss.  It is a great honor and privilege to support someone during some of the most pivotal transitions that we encounter in our lifetime.  Our work together is to help you "reweave" the tapestry of your life in meaningful ways.  With genuine encouragement I share my motto: "Though we have no choice with loss, we have tremendous choice in how we heal....with awareness and support, the possibilities for healing are infinite".

Outside of work, I enjoy music, meditation, and spending time outdoors with my amazing son, who reminds me daily to stay present to the magic and wonder of life.

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